About Us
``Economic Freedom with Good Governance``
Pokhara Research Center

Research on Pokhara’s local and the state’s economic policies and capacities, its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats which will help identify major economic issues affecting the electorate. Furthermore, research would also suggest reforms and best practices required to enhance the economy.
Conduct international fellowship and exchange programs for young thinkers, intellectuals and learners who distinguish them as future leaders
Train young leaders, students, intellectuals, journalists and policy makers on different approach to the policy making process
Conduct workshops for targeted groups to discuss policy issues and come up with sound policy solution to the local problem
Identify the major needs of the stakeholders and involve them in the policy making process
Develop and run a Political Economic blog on Pokhara’s local issues as well as state and national issues, to engage people beyond the ballot box
Initiate political and economic discussion with various stakeholders thereby promoting a healthy platform for civil discussion and discourse in Pokhara.