PMC Tourism Development: Concerns Over Committee Formation Deviation

Pokhara Metropolitan City’s efforts to enhance its tourism sector through the establishment of the Metropolitan Tourism Development/Promotion Committee have come under scrutiny due to concerns regarding the committee’s composition. It appears that the formation of the committee deviates from the provisions outlined in the act governing its establishment. The act

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About Policy Brief on Agriculture Act of Pokhara Metropolitan City

In its first term, the Municipal Council of Pokhara Metropolitan City has passed the PokharaMetropolitan Agriculture Act 2077 BS with the objective of protection and promotion of farmers,agricultural and livestock production, modernization, commercialization, processing, storage,technology, and management of agricultural product and market management. This policy brieffocuses on what this act

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Decoding Agribusiness Promotion Act of PMC

High growth in commercial agriculture production with low production costs is prerequisite for the promotion of agribusiness in Pokhara Metropolitan City (PMC). PMC introduced the model “Agribusiness Promotion Act, 2017” on May 22, 2018 according to Article 226 of the Constitution of Nepal and section 102 of Local Government Operation Act 2017.

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कृषिमा आधुनिकीकरण धान, सुखी जीवनको आधार: उत्पादन र वातावरणमा सुधार

असार १५ मा, हाम्रो देश नेपालले राष्ट्रिय धान रोपण दिवस वा धान दिवस मनाउँने गर्दछ । धान नेपालको प्रमुख खाधान्न बाली हो । यसको उत्पती दक्षिण पुर्वी एशियामा भएको मानिन्छ । नेपालमा यसको खेती मनाङ र मुस्ताङ बाहेक सबै जील्लामा भइरहेको छ । विश्वमा सबैभन्दा धेरै धान फलाउने देश चाइना

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About Policy Brief on Province Tourism Act, 2022

Tourism is an important aspect of the Gandaki Province economy and the Nepalese economy ingeneral, accounting for around 10% of the province’s total GDP. Indeed, tourism has beenhighlighted as one of the seven important drivers of prosperity in Gandaki Province (Policy andPlanning Commission, 2020). As a result, the provincial administration

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An overview of Budget of Gandaki State 2020-21

The budget is the guideline for annual programming and government policy. In addition, it is a key instrument of economic policy, encompassing policies, programs and activities related to government expenditure, revenue and deficit financing. Tax and non-tax revenues play a key role in revenue collection in order to meet public

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