This paper mainly focuses on the importance of public toilets from different perspective. Often we see public toilets as a matter of Public health and hygiene only but the unavailability of the public toilet can hinder the overall development process as it is also a part of public service delivery, basic human right, a matter of mobility and inclusiveness, factor for attracting tourist and a base for a sustainable city. Many countries in the world now have started doing revolutionary practices in different fields to give people more facilities and make the cities livable. The transparent public toilets in Japan, rotating toilets with a self-cleaning system in Swedes, cost-effective Sulabh Sauchalaya in India could be taken as an example of how different countries in the world are advancing their public toilet facilities for their citizens.
Pokhara being a tourism hotspot of Nepal needs to build more public toilets to be a smart and livable city. In today’s world public space for people is one of the crucial components of ‘Livable Cities’. Using a public space is the right of people and people need public spaces even more during the time of disasters. A poorly managed toilet can be a transmission factor of many infectious diseases that can even threaten human existence. Going out is much difficult for women as they are vulnerable to urinary tract infection (UTI) than men. ‘Holding on’ is difficult for those women who are on their period, are pregnant and new mothers. Even the people with different other health issues find it difficult to ‘hold on’ as they need toilets more often.