The Schedule 6 of the constitution of Nepal has give the State a list of 20 exclusive jurisdictions along with concurrent jurisdictions in Section 7 as well as competencies of Federal, Provincial and Local government in Schedule 9. The part 20 of the constitution of Nepal clearly states about the interrelation of Federation, Provinces and Local Levels shall enjoy relations based on the principle of cooperative, coexistence and coordination. There should have been a proper coordination between all these three tiers of government while battling against global pandemic like COVID-19. These seems lack of harmony and collaboration in battling against disaster. In this process of shifting the government from unitary to federation, central government haven’t shown enough confidence to State Government. We know that unless the federal government considers state and local government in positive light and decentralizes the legislative, administrative and economic powers, the provincial governments and local government would remain a toothless-tiger, ineffective in delivering services during disasters like the one we are currently facing. Thus, failing to live up to people’s expectations and rendering idea and principle of federalism.

Here we have tried to track the legislative decision and major responses that Gandaki State has been operation to fight against the global pandemic COVID-19