Agriculture and Sub Sectors

The majority of the country’s poor reside in rural areas, where about 67.0 % of the total population resides within agricultural families (Source: Economic Survey 2080/81). In Gandaki Province, farming systems not only rely on interdependent gathering, production and post-harvest processes, but also other key agricultural sub-sectors including livestock and

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Access to Agriculture Credit for Farmers: Serious issue in PMC

Access to credit encourages farmers to invest in new technology, innovation, mechanization,and climate-smart farming practices, hence enhancing farm output. The provision of agriculturefinancing entices those who are hesitant to start agribusiness owing to a lack of necessaryfunds. Credit availability enables impoverished rural farmers to wander into new economicactivities, diversify their cash sources,

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Agribusiness Promotion Act of PMC

Agriculture has been identified as one of the pillars of economic development strategy. Agribusiness in agriculture has the potential to generate growth, diversify income, and provide widespread employment and entrepreneurial opportunities. High growth of commercial agriculture production with low production costs is crucial for the promotion of agribusiness and marketing

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Decoding Agribusiness Promotion Act of PMC

High growth in commercial agriculture production with low production costs is prerequisite for the promotion of agribusiness in Pokhara Metropolitan City (PMC). PMC introduced the model “Agribusiness Promotion Act, 2017” on May 22, 2018 according to Article 226 of the Constitution of Nepal and section 102 of Local Government Operation Act 2017.

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कृषिमा आधुनिकीकरण धान, सुखी जीवनको आधार: उत्पादन र वातावरणमा सुधार

असार १५ मा, हाम्रो देश नेपालले राष्ट्रिय धान रोपण दिवस वा धान दिवस मनाउँने गर्दछ । धान नेपालको प्रमुख खाधान्न बाली हो । यसको उत्पती दक्षिण पुर्वी एशियामा भएको मानिन्छ । नेपालमा यसको खेती मनाङ र मुस्ताङ बाहेक सबै जील्लामा भइरहेको छ । विश्वमा सबैभन्दा धेरै धान फलाउने देश चाइना

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